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Il progetto Freenet

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--- ricablare Internet ---

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Dominio donato da:
Edward Alfert

Translation How-to

If you are interested in translating the content on this site, this page will tell you how.

1. Check to See if a Translation Already Exists or is Underway

You can do this by checking whether your language is already available on the site and in the website CVS repository. If your language already exists check the status of the translation as it may have lagged or only started.

2. Join the Web Mailing List

If you are still interested in beginning a new translation, resuming a stalled one or assisting an active one, then join the Freenet Web Mailing list and introduce yourself.

3. SourceForge Tools

After you have introduced yourself, you will need to familiarize yourself with CVS and SSH. You can find information about these tools on the Sourceforge Documentation page.

4. Becoming a Developer

Once you are familiar with these technologies, then you'll need to register as a Sourceforge member. Once you have selected your username, email it to Ian Clarke so he can add you as a website developer and give you CVS access to the website.

5. Learn the System

Once you have CVS access you should check out the "www" module and examine it thoroughly. Several translations are already in existence. Learn from them. And make use of the Web mailing list as well.

There are a few simple rules for making a new translation...

  • make a directory in "www/lang/" which corresponds to the 2 character language code or the "xx-yy" language- country form (en-gb, zh-tw). The 2-character style is preferred where appropriate.
  • Retain the same directory structure as the normative English "en" translation with "blocks" and "content" subdirectories
  • Place a copy of www/lang/en/index.php into your language root directory
  • Place translated documents into your language directory.
  • Don't place any untranslated documents in your language directory. The system will automatically grab the english version if it can't find a translated version of it.

6. Add Your Translation

Add your translated files to the CVS repository. Note that simply adding the page to CVS does not place your documents instantly on the webserver. A script runs periodically to update the website from CVS.

7. Receive Our Thanks

Thank you for helping make Freenet and the cause of free expression more accessible to people the world over.

Il materiale contenuto in questo sito è distribuito sotto la Gnu Documentation License , disponibile anche qui in italiano.